MP3 Bitrate Changer is a program that changes the bitrate of the MP3 files.
It works in the following manner: on the right side a browse-input button is used to select the input MP3 that you want to convert; once selected two boxes will show the path of the source file and another one showing the output where the converted file will be stored.
To ensure you've selected the right song there's a play & stop button on the bottom side, which will let you play the song and stop it at any time. Select the desired compression bitrate using the drop down box from 56kbps to 320kbps. Once selected, an estimated output size text will be updated to show the estimated size of your final output file.
Once you're sure of everything click on the "Convert" button and it'll start conversion of the input MP3 file. A progress bar is shown to indicate how much work has been done.
This program doesn't have any more options or any other function. It was explicitly created to change the quality or bitrate of MP3 files only.
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